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  1. S

    Question Gf2 figure import... animation not recommended?

    Let me see if I understand your workflow: 1) export full body morph (obj file) 2) export left eye only morph (obj file) 3) export right eye only morph (obj file) 4) load the above three morphs on to the Gf2 base figure in DS 5) save asset as morphs 6) move dsf files to VaM folder 7) Apply the...
  2. S

    Question Gf2 figure import... animation not recommended?

    Hi Eye9, Thanks for your reply. I see your point about the animation referring to the morph only and not the figure. That's nice to know. Thanks for the tip about "adjusting rigging to shape", however, in this case, it's a full body morph with alterations to the standard Gf2 proportions which...
  3. S

    Question Gf2 figure import... animation not recommended?

    Hi, I'm new to VaM. I just tried importing a custom figure morph as a test to see how the system works. Work flow is generally as per guide by donkilluminatti (here are the steps I used) 5) ADD NEW GENESIS 2 TO DAZ SCENE 8) CHANGE GENESIS 2 "Resolution Level" TO "Base" 10) EXPORT AS ".obj" WITH...
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