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Dragontales updated Darkness & Desire: A VR EXPERIENCE with a new update entry:
File paths, file paths, file paths....ugh.
Read the rest of this update entry...
Removed postmagic which may have been causing issues for a few people. Also added another note at the top. Since this scene requires VR rig hands to interact with objects, it also requires them to have collision turned on.
Try grabbing it from near the bottom. I use an Oculus Rift and sometimes also have issues. I'm really not sure why. Also double check to see which button in VAM does the grabbing. You can swap them if needed. Once you get to the next part, I think you'll have to have the hands endabled (not...
The newest version does have a "ancient manuscript" object that tells you what to do, and then her voice is subtitled in the background. Did those show up for you? and are you running the latest version?
So glad you enjoyed it.