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  1. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    Hey everyone, hoping someone can help me. Apparently the render plugin won't work if it's looking at a reflective surface. I have my character looking into a mirror, and the plugin won't work. I turn the camera away from the mirror and suddenly it's working again. Any ideas?
  2. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    In the plugin, try assigning the parent atom. For example, I always put the plugin on windows camera (so I can stage the shot in vr) and then if this happens I have to select windows camera in the plugin. Or, I can't have windows camera be the current view (ie go out of windows camera mode) to...
  3. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    I am very grateful for the work that you have done on it, saving me countless hours on render times. Thank you!
  4. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    Most likely you are using TImeline and you haven't changed it from real time to game time.
  5. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    Yeah I originally tried to use that plugin, paid for it multiple times but it would never reliably work. I'd have to create an entire new VaM instance to get it working again and just gave up, the developer wouldn't support it even though he was being paid. I agree that audio is more important.
  6. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    @yunidatsu Is there any chance the plugin could be altered to capture ray tracing? If you're familiar with the SOTTR hack to enable ray tracing, the render plugin doesn't capture that effect, whereas NVidia screen recording does. Is there any way to update the plugin to capture the affects...
  7. Bob Nothing

    Looks Cassandra

    If you want me to pack up the vampire version in a .var and send it to you, I will.
  8. Bob Nothing

    Looks Cassandra

    @Neiro I thought she would make an adorable vampire... So here's my vampiric modified Cassandra... I call her Lilith :)
  9. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Crowd Generator

    @hazmhox , any chance you could add the option of a 'just female' crowd, or 'just male' crowd? For example, trying to do a bachelorette party scene, want the crowd to be all female. Or possibly a 'radio box' check box to select which characters make up the crowd, then I could just select only...
  10. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Movement

    Wait...... We will FINALLY have the ability to have person atoms walk for animations/recording????? Is it finally real this time?
  11. Bob Nothing

    Guides How to use Hand Tracking in VAM (Quest)

    I have a Quest 3... Does this mean I would be able to do finger motion capture in recording animations?
  12. Bob Nothing

    Looks Sunny

    Personally I prefer brunettes, but lately my wife seems to prefer blondes, so, always good to have some available :-)
  13. Bob Nothing

    Plugins VAMMoan

    hahaha yeah they are :-) The avatar on mine is a screenshot of my wife's VaMself :)
  14. Bob Nothing

    Plugins VAMLive

    Hmmm multiple instances of the plugin on different atoms with different output folder names... I bet that would work :-) Thanks for the idea!
  15. Bob Nothing

    Plugins VAMMoan

    I wonder, is there a way we could modify the plugin to allow an 'import' feature so that the community can create/add different voice packs to share? Then just download and 'import' the voices you want?
  16. Bob Nothing

    Looks Sunny

    @bancmnod This is due to post magic being enabled. I had the same issue in VR, but just look through the list of atoms and disable the post magic plugin and you're good to go. I agree, you should post that in the discussion and not knock a creators score down due to something like this. Those...
  17. Bob Nothing

    Looks Sunny

    The problem with all the body morphs in a single morph is if I like many aspects of the body and just want to tweak some things. If it's all in a single morph you're either fighting the existing in use morphs, or you're starting from scratch. I didn't want to take away all your work on the...
  18. Bob Nothing

    Looks Sunny

    @sky00VaM Also, just wanted to thank you for not combining all the morphs so I can tweak her to my tastes. The hardest thing to do is the face and her face is amazing. Again, well done and thank you!
  19. Bob Nothing

    Plugins VAMLive

    Also someone has been modding this plugin to allow for multicore performance (greatly increases the render speeds) and now they've modded it to render directly to FFMPEG stream -...
  20. Bob Nothing

    Plugins VAMLive

    It's a frame by frame rendering plugin that let's you get flawless 60fps at highest settings regardless of your rigs power. - https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/video-renderer-for-3d-vr180-vr360-and-flat-2d-audio-bvh-animation-recorder.11994/ - I don't use it for the stereo, I do flat renders...
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