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  • Users: rernat
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  1. rernat

    Clothing XL creoles

    rernat submitted a new resource: XL creoles - XL creole earrings as cloth Read more about this resource...
  2. rernat

    Clothing Passionate Lingerie Set 01

    rernat submitted a new resource: Passionate Lingerie Set 01 - bra and panty inspired by famous label Read more about this resource...
  3. rernat

    Plugins Cue

    Hi via5, the AutoHand features are fantastic. I'm playing around abit with cue and tried to combine it with animations. E.g. I want to animate a hand moving from the chest to the gens. But in this case the expected auto-hand event is not starting. While it does if I move the hand from the...
  4. rernat

    Looks Nina

    rernat submitted a new resource: Nina - Just a local model I digitalized Read more about this resource...
  5. rernat

    Clothing Messy thongs

    rernat updated Messy thongs with a new update entry: Early Access ended Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. rernat

    Clothing Messy thongs

    Ahh yes sorry, will update soon.
  7. rernat

    Other Animationposer 180° turn animation

    Yes, cause this is no scene. Its an animation file which you can import to HaremLife's AnimationPoser Plugin https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/animationposer.11692/ Don't expect much. It was more or less a thing to discuss development and practise of Animationposer with HaremLife.
  8. rernat

    Plugins AnimationPoser

    I shared the file. https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/animationposer-180%C2%B0-turn-animation.21429/
  9. rernat

    Other Animationposer 180° turn animation

    rernat submitted a new resource: Animationposer 180° turn animation - just an animation snippet Read more about this resource...
  10. rernat

    Plugins AnimationPoser

    It was indeed a timeline animation. I imported it by hand :D. No, not shared yet. You know what, I will do it now.
  11. rernat

    Plugins AnimationPoser

    Will the saved exports work with further versions from 3.7 or is it better to wait?
  12. rernat

    Looks Monique

    rernat updated Monique with a new update entry: Appearance Preset correction Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. rernat

    Plugins AnimationPoser

    @haremlife Thx for the detailed explanation. Some of the stuff I already know. I also already tried alot with detaching the root in order to create those poses. Unfortunately at the end it didn't turned out as expected. And yes I know, moving and turning is complicated. I'm wondering how VAMs...
  14. rernat

    Plugins AnimationPoser

    Yes, but I would just like to use the turn from any actual position of the person. E.g. after turning 180° I would like turn 180° again to stay in original position.
  15. rernat

    Plugins AnimationPoser

    In this animation the root control is not inside a layer atm. What do you think will be the best setup to make this 180° turn a reusable thing. Creating a second layer with only the root control and turning it at the end of the animation?
  16. rernat

    Plugins AnimationPoser

    Not sure if I got it correctly, but will try this out. Thx!
  17. rernat

    Plugins AnimationPoser

    Hi, I created a 180° turn animation for person atoms. How should this be anchored correctly to reuse it indepently from position of the person in space?
  18. rernat

    Looks Monique

    rernat submitted a new resource: Monique - Emo look Read more about this resource...
  19. rernat

    Textures Riddler Skin2b Edits

    rernat updated Riddler Skin2b Edits with a new update entry: improvements and content Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. rernat

    Assets Cosmetics

    rernat submitted a new resource: Cosmetics - cosmetic assets Read more about this resource...
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