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  1. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Timeline

    Hi @Acid Bubbles thanks for everything you do for the community! I was wondering, would it be possible to make the Timelime plugin multi-core, similar to how the Render plugin has been made multicore? I ask because I'm using smoothing in a mocap imported timeline animation, and I can tell it's...
  2. Bob Nothing

    Clothing KL2976

    It's still great, no complaints here :) I was mostly making an MXR joke, but if those red lines were emissive it would be crazy awesome :-)
  3. Bob Nothing

    Clothing KL2976

    But is it... emissive? :)
  4. Bob Nothing

    Clothing Death Dealer

    Sorry I missed that!
  5. Bob Nothing

    Other Vam To Daz 2

    Your instructions worked. Thank you! As for the Victoria 6, I assume that's not a free asset?
  6. Bob Nothing

    Clothing Death Dealer

    What other clothes did you use to complete the outfit?
  7. Bob Nothing

    Other Vam To Daz 2

    Am I missing a step in the instructions? I've found the morphs in DaZ3D, but they have a triangle with an exclamation mark inside them and nothing happens when I double click them. How do I use them once they are in VaM?
  8. Bob Nothing

    Guides Quest 3 Passthrough + Recording

    Nevermind, figured it out. Missed the step about a custom batch file to launch it. Bypassing SteamVR fixed it. The wife's going to wear it tonight, she wants a girl watching her while... ya know :-)
  9. Bob Nothing

    Guides Quest 3 Passthrough + Recording

    I have a 4090 and a 7900x. I swear I had this working 6 months ago, but when I try it now I get like 1 frame every 3 seconds, it basically freezes up my entire rig.
  10. Bob Nothing

    Scenes Mr. Sandman

    My guess is this is due to how many pixel lights you have going, or possibly a different performance setting. I know when I'm animating, I'll drop the visual quality settings way down so I have super good FPS during animating, and I'll see stuff like this. Then when I bump my performance...
  11. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    Awesome, glad you got what you needed!
  12. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    Don't trust the preview window. It won't show you the effects in action. I always hit F9 to take a single screenshot to see how the focus is, etc. Basically to see how post magic is working. I've never had issues with bloom not working. Perhaps try making bloom more powerful and see if it...
  13. Bob Nothing

    Plugins VAMMoan

    Also, can you define close for us? ;-)
  14. Bob Nothing

    Plugins VAMMoan

    I appreciate the detailed explaination, thank you very much! Also glad to hear you don't hate me, so that's always a plus :-)
  15. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    I'm having issues with the render plugin now where it's crashing all the time with the 'too many heaps' error message. Before I thought it was because I had too many .vars or the windows camera on, etc, but now it's crashing on every render. I've noticed I'll start over with using 24GB of RAM...
  16. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    I use PostMagic with it all the time and it works great. I wish it would also capture the raytracing from the SOTTR hack. Are you using VR? What I have to do is enable post magic inside of VR and it makes everything upside/look weird, take the headset off and then it will work. If I enable...
  17. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    I use FFMPEG and that works flawlessly everytime. That's the route I would go.
  18. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    What's interesting is now I can only get it to work on the window camera atom....
  19. Bob Nothing

    Plugins Video Renderer for 3D VR180, VR360 and Flat 2D & Audio + BVH Animation Recorder

    Interesting... I've always used the render plugin as a plugin on the window camera. I put it on an empty atom, and now it works fine on the reflective surface. huh.
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