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  1. J

    Duplicate files in Add on Packages folder

    Cool. Right now I have individual folders for looks, scenes, clothing and hair and I periodically group my other .var in folders as well. Under the looks and other individual folders I might have maybe two layers of subfolders just to help me organize. Does that sound like a decent system to...
  2. J

    Duplicate files in Add on Packages folder

    Awesome. You always seem to be the one with good information for me. Much appreciated.
  3. J

    Duplicate files in Add on Packages folder

    Hello. I recently reinstalled VAM and I am trying to be very organized in my add-on packages folder by separating things into subfolders. By doing this though I run the risk of having duplicate files in separate folders as I add new packages. Do I need to be checking to make sure this doesn't...
  4. J

    VAR files, Appearance Presets and Clothing Presets

    Essentially I just want to keep my startup time closer to where it was when I first installed VAM. I went crazy adding stuff when I first got into it and so it took almost 4 minutes to boot up by the end. My usage involves having a wide variety of looks and finding new scenes on occasion to add...
  5. J

    VAR files, Appearance Presets and Clothing Presets

    Right, I read that but it didn't click that I could use that for my harvesting strategy. So you would say for general performance it's best to keep the VAR files for the content in the add-on packages folder and just try to control how many files you add?
  6. J

    VAR files, Appearance Presets and Clothing Presets

    Okay, thanks. That is great information. Is there another way of saving non-text information out of my add-on packages folder? Or is the system designed so that all the content remains in that folder inside of VAR files and the stuff that you saved essentially references it? I'm essentially...
  7. J

    VAR files, Appearance Presets and Clothing Presets

    Hello. Due to loading times getting so long I am reinstalling VAM as I am a little more familiar with the file structure and hope to manage it better this time. and so I have a question about which VAR files need to be kept. If load a VAR file with a Look in it and then save that look as an...
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