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  1. Y

    Easiest auto gaze, auto emotions, Lipsync? I haven't made a scene in years and my plugins seem broke

    Just so you know, smoothmoves has been added into Timeline plugin, you can do hand recorded animations in timeline and use smooth option afterwards.
  2. Y

    Efficiently creating personalities

    In my opinion these expression randomization plugins never work, it always looks strange/weird. But on the other hand its so very easy to record your own expressions using Timeline, exactly the way you want it. And you only have to so it once, you can export your Timeline animations to reuse it...
  3. Y

    Syncing animation on rotating platform

    It might not be helpful in your case, but just in case, you can position/animate other assets using timeline, you can use "select from scene", add your treadmill to your timeline animation, and it will be exactly where you want it when you play your animation :unsure:
  4. Y

    Loading BVH in acidbubble's timeline?

    BVH player 1.1.3 can bake bvh animations to native VAM animation, and timeline can import those animations in 1 click :unsure:
  5. Y

    Fanged Teeth??

    Bad morph most likely, check all active morphs and zero them out one by one to find the one causing it, could be some head or neck morph :unsure:
  6. Y

    Importing Animations to Timeline

    You need to make sure that the animation you are importing has exactly the same controls as the other animations in the segment, otherwise it will be imported to its own segment. You could simply add another new blank instance of timeline and import your animation there.
  7. Y

    Desktop Mode - Any way to pin Buttons, Slider etc. on UI?

    No problem, I have just checked, and you are right, parenting is no longer there after restart, must be a bug or something, sorry about that :confused:
  8. Y

    Desktop Mode - Any way to pin Buttons, Slider etc. on UI?

    Nice solution, but there is a much easier way, you can just parent whatever you want to camerarig ;)
  9. Y

    Using Timeline plugin without ragdolling the people and breaking their poses?

    You could save pose for each animation ("Use current pose / Overwrite pose" and enable "Apply pose on transition") Switching from animation to animation will be instant :unsure:
  10. Y

    Timeline poses dont save properly

    Double check that your controls are not using Timelines parenting feature, and try to untick and tick again every controls keyframe, sometimes it does not get set automatically for some reason, and enable "apply pose on animation load" :unsure:
  11. Y

    Micro freeze/stutter every 2 minutes in heavy scenes

    Would be nice if we could increase this "Heap size" value, I still have plenty of unused ram :unsure:
  12. Y

    Alvr not working for me with quest 2

    Its hard to say whats wrong, try to lower the video bitrate in ALVR, try to change the video codec to h264 in ALVR, I think its more reliable. Make sure steamvr is fully loaded, it might take some time, couple of minutes sometimes :unsure:
  13. Y

    No controller tracking through Virtual Desktop

    Not sure what is happening, but you can always try ALVR, works pretty good :unsure:
  14. Y

    4090 bad visual effect

    You could try ALVR meanwhile, its free, works perfect for me with quest 2
  15. Y

    Micro freeze/stutter every 2 minutes in heavy scenes

    Yes, I think you are right, VUML is not the reason. I have narrowed it down to "Subsurface Scattering Skin" plugin now, as soon as its removed I see great improvement :unsure:
  16. Y

    Micro freeze/stutter every 2 minutes in heavy scenes

    Thank you so much for this! Unfortunately, as you said, it did not improve it, there is a fps drop every second or so, maybe it could be useful to manually trigger it on animation changes But I found the main reason, its VUML script, I have it continuously measure 5 different atom distances, to...
  17. Y

    Micro freeze/stutter every 2 minutes in heavy scenes

    At least I know now its not my GPU that is faulty, I was considering replacing it (y) A tiny plugin that runs System.GC.Collect(); every few seconds would be great, but I would not know where to begin :cry: But, is there a way to increase this "heap size"? I still have 14GB ram free
  18. Y

    Micro freeze/stutter every 2 minutes in heavy scenes

    Omg, thank you so much, you were absolutely right, "Heap size" is climbing up to 8.5GB and then drops to 5.8GB every couple of minutes! Do you think if I get another 32GB of ram would it improve things? :unsure:
  19. Y

    Micro freeze/stutter every 2 minutes in heavy scenes

    Thank you, never thought it could be memory, it could be it I guess :unsure: I am undervolting my gpu, so its only 55-60 degrees under load, I am going to try to limit the fps, and see what happens. It does feel like VAM is doing something every 2 minutes :confused:
  20. Y

    Micro freeze/stutter every 2 minutes in heavy scenes

    What could this be, every 1 ~ 2 minutes I get short freeze in heavy scenes, otherwise I have good fps, 100-120, everything is smooth, but then this freeze happens. I have 12700k. 32gb ram, 3070, but no ssd :unsure:
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