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  1. Jiraiya

    FBX exporter plugin

    Its on the hub here! https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/video-renderer-for-3d-vr180-vr360-and-flat-2d-audio-bvh-animation-recorder.11994/
  2. Jiraiya

    Tracking the real sex doll in order to position 3d model

    SlimeVR I have not tried, but the way you parent an atom to a tracker when I last tried it in VaM suggested you could easily use a SlimeVR tracker for an object. The drift on cheap IMU trackers would be a problem though. You really want Optical tracking (either inside out or base station) if you...
  3. Jiraiya

    FBX exporter plugin

    VRRenderer has a BVH export option. That seems to work. I can load the exported anim in Blender. I have not yet managed to export from Blender to FBX for Unity in a way that works, I get jittery broken animations with the avatar mangled and facing backwards.
  4. Jiraiya

    Animation in/out of Unity

    So I want to do some "Motion capture" using VaM, export it into Unity to clean up and edit (because that's my default tool) and then export it back into VaM. I know there are a few tools to get various animation formats into VaM but I haven't seen any that can export from VaM to a format Unity...
  5. Jiraiya

    assetbundle scripts as dll... Help me please.

    Yeah, BepInEx looks extremely complicated and not at all easy for me to work out how to get my simple video texture working in VaM. I will take a look at your ScriptEngine and see if that seems easier for me to understand. I am honestly glad I came to VaM after scripts were part of it!
  6. Jiraiya

    assetbundle scripts as dll... Help me please.

    Really? That sounds interesting. I can understand why the hub wouldn't host it, but should I get it working I will try and post publicly so people can try it.
  7. Jiraiya

    assetbundle scripts as dll... Help me please.

    " These DLLs have the same restrictions as other VaM plugins. So you can't use Reflection, File IO stuff, etc. " Aaah. This might be my issue, I was actually trying to make a webcam. In Unity I have a plane that I can scale and place inside a monitor that shows a hardware connected webcam on the...
  8. Jiraiya

    assetbundle scripts as dll... Help me please.

    Nope. I tried but it doesn't seem to execute the called script. I put the line SuperController.LogError("Test"); in both the main script that gets added in the init section, which gets called and displays in the VaM error log and in the unity Start() section in the script I am trying to get...
  9. Jiraiya

    assetbundle scripts as dll... Help me please.

    You can't include code in the assetbundle no, that's my issue. But you can compile the script as a dll which you can simply put inside the var and have the asset reference it. This means the end user doesn't need to manually add a script to the asset to make it work. That said, I need to check...
  10. Jiraiya

    assetbundle scripts as dll... Help me please.

    Ok, so I made an assetbundle and it has a script that functions inside Unity. When I export it from Unity and load into VaM the script does not work. The same script shoehorned into a VaM plugin gave no errors, but also didn't work. It seems for the more advanced features you need to make a dll...
  11. Jiraiya

    "3rd person game controls for person atoms"

    There are a lot of plugins now for making person atoms seem "real". They can breath, look around, walk, wobble, fall over, get up etc etc. It would be cool to have a plugin that triggered actions from a gamepad letting you control a person in a scene as if playing GTA. The plugin would need to...
  12. Jiraiya

    Looking for opinions on my resources...

    In all fairness it's possible that a creator used it in their scene so it just gets downloaded as a dependency. That's fine, but frustrating for me. I put them up for people to use, so if it's getting huge download numbers I guess it's popular in some way at least. It really hurts though when I...
  13. Jiraiya

    Looking for opinions on my resources...

    I have an asset with over 10,700 downloads and 0 reviews or ratings. 15 likes or something. I know a few creators have used assets I uploaded but quite frankly the lack of feedback on what I put up as free assets has killed the fun for me. I have a load of stuff I've made and just won't bother...
  14. Jiraiya


    I know the answer is yes because I heard it a long time ago, but can't remember where. If it's not on the hub you need to find out who made it and check out patreons etc. There is a scene for Miko and one for Technician (her creator). I don't know how good they are, but if you search hard enough...
  15. Jiraiya

    Male model without head

    Yeah, I pasted him the entire plugin in a dm, all he has to do is save it as a hidebody.cs and use it. I know it works because I have used it myself for hiding parts.
  16. Jiraiya

    Male model without head

    The code I gave you was a whole plugin all ready to use. Just save the text as a .cs and use it as a plugin, nothing else needed doing.
  17. Jiraiya

    Male model without head

    ImprovedPov should be a var plugin on the hub. Did you see the message I sent you because that contains all you need?
  18. Jiraiya

    Male model without head

    I don't know if he saw it but I sent a dm to him with some info on how to do it.
  19. Jiraiya

    Male model without head

    there is a hide character plugin that should do what you want! Sadly I can't find the VAR file, I just have a raw .cs in my folder and no clue where I got it from now.
  20. Jiraiya

    Tracking the real sex doll in order to position 3d model

    hedgepig is doing a load of stuff on conversational AI in another thread on here, look for that.
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