• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
Put some headphones on then unmute the video...

Hi-Res Video:
Video 1: https://slushe.com/video/vamx-1-3-video-1-49297.html
Video 2:

Get vamX 1.3 at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45207782

A powerful, extremely fast way to use VaM. Filled with animation, quick change scenes, toys, looks, threesomes, and an easy one-button-press interface!


192 original audio files (phrases & moans) with customized lip sync
(each syllable mapped to the appropriate mouth movement) for each audio file. Most phrases contain 2 or 3 variations so the same sentence isn't spoken the same way each time (a more seductive or commanding version of the same phrase for example). By default the woman now talks dirty and moans during stimulation.

In Sound -> Moans & Female Voice you can configure her moans. For moan sounds only, without English words, choose Moans Only (Belle). For the original sound set choose Moans Only (original).

If you are using the default Dirty Talk & Moans (Belle) you can choose to have a more innocent style of Dirty Talk without fuck / cum, etc. by choosing Clean / No Swearing.

The system is designed for female speech, but you can adjust it to a male by lowering the pitch (and choosing a male from the last page of the Female tab). If a male is going to speak, he may change morphs a bit, as female morphs must be applied to the male to allow him to speak.


2 Stories! More coming soon. Stories include longer dialog with lip sync and emotions, undressing, changing pose, arm movements, sex speed and more. Stories transition seamlessly into the pose menu, where you can continue sex in any pose / speed / etc. Stories can adapt to most vamX options, for example by modifying your selected to character to fit the story (by loading clothes, changing the skin if needed, etc.).

Go to Other -> Stories Talking & Text to start a story. [C] indicates relatively clean dialog, [E] indicates dialog with more swearing or that is more explicit. For example clean dialog may be "I need you" or "Oh, that feels so good". Explicit dialog includes all clean dialog plus items like "Fucking give me that cum".

While in a story you can control the story progress using the Story Controls (which open automatically when starting a story). In a story one or more sentences are spoken, and then there are often pauses. To skip to the next sentence, or skip over a pause, press the Play Next Line button.

Stories generally progress with some talking that sets the scenario, followed by actions such as undressing, and leading into sex. To skip to the next sexual stage (sort of next chapter of the story) press Skip to Next Sexual Stage.

If you wish to stay in the current stage with no further talking or progress, press Pause Story (then press Play Next Line to resume).

When stories finish the Story Control menu will close and the Pose menu will open, so you can continue into additional sexual interactions.

For variations on a story, open the Other -> Emotions menu and choose an emotion, then start the story to have that emotion as her general mood for the story.


The first page of the Action menu is now all about Smart Thrust.
Turn on Smart Thrust for an easy experience of increasing speed with arousal, minor pose changes, hand movements and more. You can now choose specific parts of Smart Thrust, for example stop Smart Thrust then press Add Hand Movements to have only automatic hand movements, but with manual control for all actions, speed and poses. Using this first page you can choose what part of Smart Thrust you want to enable. You can also jump to the cum menu from the first Action page.

vamX Credits - Thanks to all the wonderful creators!!!
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Last update
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