VaM Produce 69 Two Seasons + DLC Expansion

Scenes VaM Produce 69 Two Seasons + DLC Expansion

Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
We are glad you enjoyed it!
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All I can say is wow!! Really looking forward to future seasons and updates. This works really well on desktop and melts my PC and is a bit janky in VR with a 3080 even with lower settings but I really can't complain!
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
We will improve the user experience in VR with a dedicated VR version in the future. Thank you for your feedback!
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Must have scene for every vam players
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you, we will continuously improve and update it to ensure it always remains in your collection.
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A work of commitment, quality and a LOT of love <3 Performs incredibly good + a ton of cool features / options ( let alone the multi language option) and a good sense for lighting. Definitely agree on your description here - a must have in every VaM Fan library and a clear recommendation from me.
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
I remember back in the days, when I first came across VAM, I opened a scene created by C&G-STUDIO and was amazed as I watched, thinking, “This cool game can actually showcase such dazzling dances!” That gave me the motivation to start studying and learning it, that’s how I got started, just like many others. You and other creators on the Hub who craft great works have always deeply inspired us. Thank you!
Upvote 1
The exceptional performance and irresistible dialogues make this a piece of art. I've never had such a strong desire to upgrade my graphics card and acquire higher resolution VR equipment, to better experience this work. Very much looking forward to the creator's subsequent works.
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
The next release will be an RPG game using VAM as the engine. We look forward to having you continue the experience!
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Hands down -- one of the most stylish, lush, easy-to-use productions I've seen emerge from the scene yet. This is the culmination of years of community-made content and plugins, but also this team's (Shadow Venom, VL_13, MonsterShinkai, Sally Whitemane) skill in weaving them all together in one beautifully presented, meticulously detailed union. Consider me starstruck! ;)
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Yes, in our view, the significance of this scene lies in showcasing the great works created by our creators in the VAM community over the years, and continually updating them as our community continues to grow.
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This is an outstanding scene. It has over 20 built-in dance scenes as of writing this review.

The optimization is amazing as stated in the overview. I have tried only half of the dance scenes so far and didn't have an issue with FPS in any of them while using the scene's Camera Follow. They also have some really creative backgrounds and effects.

If some sex scenes (preferably combined with dances) are added to this masterpiece, I don't think I will ever need to run another scene again. Actually, please add a lot of them!

TL;DR: Absolutely amazing scene
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you for your high praise. As for integrating romantic interactive content into this scene, we have always been unsure. However, since there have been many feedback requests for it, we will consider adding some interactive sex content related to music and dance in the second season to enhance its interactivity...
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Invades my privacy by opening discord link when scene loads then continue to blast out my ears with no possibility to turn down volume fast.
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
First and foremost, I apologize for the inconvenience and confusion caused. At the same time, thank you for your candid and constructive criticism and suggestions. Based on your suggestion, I have promptly released a hotfix update to address the issues you pointed out. I hope this will enhance everyone's user experience, and I hope this includes you as well.
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The "VAM1X" produced the effect of "VAM2.0", great!
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you for your feedback. Your creations always influence us and bring us new inspiration.
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Can't say thank enough. Love it 100/100
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you for your feedback and enjoy!
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tai bang le !!!
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you for your feedback and enjoy!
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Great scene,Thank you for your hard work!
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you! The enjoyment you derive from it is the best reward for us!
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Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you for your high praise.
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Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
I’m glad you found it enjoyable.
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Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
VAM itself still has a lot of untapped potential.
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The best scnen!!!
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you, we're glad you like it.
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Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you for helping to promote and spread the word, so that more people can share our joy.
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I just want to honor the effort the creators put into this secene. On a technical level, a must have. When it comes to the dances, and the question, if it is erotic to let them dance naked to kpop... it is not my personal taste.
Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you for your candid feedback. I now understand why some players request an option to keep the clothes on. Even though this option implies a significant amount of work, in the next version, we will provide such a choice for everyone.
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Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you for your feedback and enjoy!
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Shadow Venom
Shadow Venom
Thank you for your feedback!
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