Just a simple couple of hairstyles that combined make up the hair for the rebuilt Trisha look I made.
It has some issues but I'll fix them in future versions, enjoy!
Thanks MacGruber for his absolutely amazing set of plugins (PostMagic and Essentials), which were used to take these screenies.
Also, a totally unrelated rant,
I saw my name credited on this site a couple weeks ago, for a look I made over two years ago, and it inspired me to come back and actually redo everything I had uploaded to the subreddit back in the olden days, this time starting from a clean slate and making sure I preserve attributions and credits where credits are due. So expect more content in the coming weeks! (First remakes, then new stuff!)
It has some issues but I'll fix them in future versions, enjoy!
Thanks MacGruber for his absolutely amazing set of plugins (PostMagic and Essentials), which were used to take these screenies.
Also, a totally unrelated rant,
I saw my name credited on this site a couple weeks ago, for a look I made over two years ago, and it inspired me to come back and actually redo everything I had uploaded to the subreddit back in the olden days, this time starting from a clean slate and making sure I preserve attributions and credits where credits are due. So expect more content in the coming weeks! (First remakes, then new stuff!)