The Naughty Schoolgirl - Full (Act 1, 2 & 3) Desktop and VR

Paid Scenes The Naughty Schoolgirl - Full (Act 1, 2 & 3) Desktop and VR

Great interactive scene that centers on spanking. It doesn't have multiple hardcore positions like most of this creators scenes, but the level of detail and the sheer amount of animations and voicework is pretty impressive.

Note: Some users experienced excessively long loading times. Like, 20-30 minutes to load the scene. Slam thinks it might be due to how the decals load. Some people are able to experience this scene just fine without long load times, but for the rest of might want to start it, then go and take care of some things like watching an episode of Rick and Morty or something, then come back and check on it.
Slam Thunderhide
Slam Thunderhide
Thank you! Try the updated VAR. Hopefully that fixed the issue a few people were having.
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