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Stone Arch assetbundle.
Stone arch with 2 slightly different color variations, standard and slightly darker.
Original model by Hvenix on sketchfab
Deed - Attribution 4.0 International - Creative Commons
I liked this arch so much that was featured in @Matt Richard 's dragon fire asset that it finally pushed me over the edge to take the dust off the years old unity install I had never used and learn how to port assets for VaM. Make sure to get the dragonfire asset as it is great as well (can be seen in example screenshots along with some of Matt's trees).

Assets - Dragon Fire
"Tilable Stone Texture" (https://skfb.ly/VSyo) by Felicia Hellsten is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). "Animated Dragon Three Motion Loops" (https://skfb.ly/o9nJw) by LasquetiSpice is...
