While clearing out my HDD, I found some (26) LUTs I once made for MacGrubers great PostMagic. Maybe some of you will find them useful.
Look Up Tables are more or less "Contrast and Color Settings".
Obviously you will need the PostMagic plugin for this to work.
Just unpack the Zip file into your VaM folder.
This is NO "VAR-File"!
Because this are additional files to the PostMagic plugin,
you have to manually unpack and maybe move them to a folder, where you can easiely
find them from within the plugin.
Have Fun!
Hub link to PostMagic:

PostMagic - Plugins + Scripts -
Admin Note: This plugin is specifically made for desktop use and as stated in the description only partially works in VR. If you wish to not have this plugin loaded at all you can permanently disable it from within the "Package Manager"...

(Please make sure you have the most recent version).