What this is:
This is a conversion of ToumeiHitsuji's SlapStuff Audio Pack audio files to assetbundles. I intend to use these in future scenes using MacGruber's Logicbrick RandomSoundfromAB plugin.
If you're looking for the audio files used in these audiobundles:
Same license - CC BY-SA - as required in the original VAR.
Thanks to ToumeiHitsuji and TGC for the VAR and original audio files, and MacGruber for the Logicbricks plugin where these will be used.
This is a conversion of ToumeiHitsuji's SlapStuff Audio Pack audio files to assetbundles. I intend to use these in future scenes using MacGruber's Logicbrick RandomSoundfromAB plugin.
If you're looking for the audio files used in these audiobundles:

SlapStuff Audio Pack - Audio -
Get Rough, Slap Stuff! A handful of simple slap and "sex slap" sound effects that I recorded. User TGC also contributed some additional buttslap sounds, "cause buttslaps are important". I think we can all agree on that :D This audio pack is...

Thanks to ToumeiHitsuji and TGC for the VAR and original audio files, and MacGruber for the Logicbricks plugin where these will be used.