• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
Sound Board with Buttons to Trigger Sound Effects from 100+ Categories/700+ mp3 SFX Audio Files.

SFX Sound Board Preview 1.jpg

All buttons on the Sound Board are set to play random/shuffle. Clicking the button again will load the next random audio file in that category and display the name of the audio file in the Audio Scrubber at the top. You can turn on Loop mode to stay on an audio file longer to see if it's something you possibly want to use and to note the name of the file in the Audio Scrubber. Turning on loop mode lets you test tracks with VAMs built in AudioSource looping. Looping in Audacity or VLC Media Player can be different than in VAM so this is useful for testing it as you can use the same plugin/triggers in your scene file to get the same effect.

SFX Sound Board Panel 1.png

On the right of the Sound Board, is an additional standalone assetbundle player that plays from the SoundFX Library Ambience category that has 18 ambience tracks. It can be switched out with another button category or you can load in a Music Assetbundle for multi-track testing. You only need to change 3 trigger buttons for PlayPrevious, Play and PlayNext. All the rest of the buttons don't require being updated. (Info provided below on that process)

SFX Single Track Player Panel 1.jpg

This uses the SoundFX Library assetbundle which is organized into 100+ Categories with 700+ mp3 SFX audio files:

Royalty-Free sound effects audio is from pixabay.com. All original Pixabay file names are retained so they can be looked up and searched by file name on there if needed.

The audio file titles are displayed on the Audio Scrubber when played to help you locate it in the Assetbundle to use it as a trigger on a button, in Timeline, on a Menu Bar, in an Audio Player, or however you prefer.

Sound Board Buttons / Categories (108)
Air Conditioner: 6
Airplane: 9
Alarm: 3
Ambience: 18
Angelic: 5
Automobile: 25
Bag: 1
Ball: 3
Bath: 17
Bed: 12
Beeps: 3
Bell: 2
Birds: 2
Blowing: 2
Boom: 1
Bottle Pop: 1
Bounce: 1
Brush Teeth: 4
Bubbles: 8
Button: 9
Camera: 5
Cash: 11
Cat: 9
Chair: 4
Chimes: 2
Clock: 2
Clothes: 19
Cooking: 13
Cough: 1
Creak: 2
Crickets: 2
Crowd: 11
Cup: 6
Dishwasher: 5
Dog: 14
Dolphin: 1
Door: 20
Drop: 3
Eating: 14
Elevator: 7
Fight: 10
Fire: 3
Footsteps: 52
Fountain: 1
Glass Break: 4
Hair Clipper: 1
Hair Dryer: 1
Heartbeat: 1
Helicopter: 2
High Speed: 3
Horn: 8
Hot Tub: 3
Howling: 2
Intros+Transitions: 35
Kiss: 2
Knock: 11
Laser: 7
Laugh: 40
Lawn Mower: 3
Machine: 3
Magic Sparkle: 2
Marching: 1
Microwave: 5
Ocean: 9
Opening Package: 6
Owl: 3
Paper: 6
PC: 3
Phone: 25
Pick Up: 1
Portal: 3
Pour: 5
Projector: 1
Pull: 1
Purse: 3
Push: 3
Rain: 5
River: 7
Robot Arm: 1
Rubber: 2
Running+Jogging: 2
Rustling: 2
Sci-Fi: 36
Set Down: 10
Shower: 9
Sink: 2
Sip+Slurp: 10
Siren: 6
Slap: 6
Slide: 6
Spit: 1
Spray: 6
Stretch: 4
Sweep: 3
Swoosh: 5
System Notifications: 2
Tattoo: 2
Thunder: 7
Toilet Flush: 3
Vacuum Cleaner: 3
Video Game: 33
War: 5
Washing Machine: 1
Waterfall: 2
Whale: 2
Whistle: 6
Wind: 6

How To Change The Ambience Player / Single Track Player
Click Edit Mode / Select (arrow icon) / check Show Hidden

There are two main sections for the player on the Right:
SFX Ambience Player AudioSource (load your Assetbundle)
SFX Ambience Player/SFX Ambience Player Controls (change the control buttons on the player)

First click on "SFX Ambience Player AudioSource"

Changing Assetbundle Audio 1.jpg

Click the Plugins tab / and then on the SoundFromAssetBundle plugin click on "Open Custom UI"

Changing Assetbundle Audio 2.jpg

Click on "Select AssetBundle"

Changing Assetbundle Audio 3.jpg

Click on AddonPackages Filtered and you can search for your Music Assetbundle. If you downloaded any that I uploaded, you can search "VamEssentials". In this example I will click on the Jazz folder.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 4.jpg

Inside that VAR folder is the assetbundle, click on that to select it.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 5.jpg

You will now see it loaded in the top of the SoundFromAB plugin. You can now click close on this window.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 6.jpg

Navigate to SFX Ambience Player Controls and click on the Plugins tab. You will then see VAMStoryActionPlugin which is what is used for all the buttons. Click on the Open Custom UI button.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 7.jpg

In VAM Story Actions the Action ID starts on 0 for the first button and shows in the Label box Ambience. In this example I will change it to "JAZZ". It auto saves it there.

Changing Assetbundle Audio.jpg

1. Under Action ID, click the drop down and change it to 1 to see the PlayPrevious button options.
2. Click the "On Click Trigger button.
3. Click Settings.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 8.jpg

Noting was changed on the AudioSource or Plugin. We only changed the assetbundle so you only need to update the Receiver Target. This is the PlayPrevious button so I will select PlayPrevious [jazz 1] and then click Ok and Done to return back to the main button menu.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 9.jpg

You can then change the Action ID to 3 and click the "on click trigger" button and go into settings. On Receiver Target, change it to PlayNext [jazz 1] and then click Ok and Done.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 10.jpg

Click Action ID 2 and you will see the Stop and Play toggle button options. Click the "Toggle Off trigger" button.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 11.jpg

Click on the Settings button.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 12.jpg

In the Receiver Target I can search Jazz and click on PlaySpecific [jazz 1]. Then in the Choice Drop down, click on it so it refreshes with the Jazz playlist. Pick the first song in the list so it starts at the beginning and click Ok, Done.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 13.jpg

From there you can now test the PlayPrevious, Play, and PlayNext buttons. It now plays Jazz in my example. The other buttons don't need to be updated because they use general AudioSource triggers.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 14.jpg

If you like your new settings, you can save them in VamStoryActions so it loads them from your backup in the future. You can do this by going back and under Show, select the drop down and switch it to "Global options".

Changing Assetbundle Audio 15.jpg

You can then scroll all the way to the bottom and click "Save Manual Backup". It's important to this if you plan to Save it as a New Scene file for use again later because just Saving it as a New Scene does not save it in the plugin unless it auto saves or you click to manually save it. So do this first, then Save as a New Scene file if you want. You can also use this section to restore from a previous backup.

Changing Assetbundle Audio 16.jpg

Now that you know how to update it from a brand new assetbundle loaded in, and have already Saved it, you can restart the scene if you want with the default SoundFX Library assetbundle loaded in.

You can then search for any of the Button categories like "Rain" and then map them to the buttons the same way as above. They all show up in the drop down right away and are searchable by button name.

Action ID 1 = Play Previous = PlayPrevious [soundfx library 1/rain]
Action ID 2 = Play (Toggle Off Trigger) = PlaySpecific and Choice #1
Action ID 3 = Play Next = PlayNext [soundfx library 1/rain]

Changing Assetbundle Audio 17.jpg

A very special thanks to @everlaster and @hazmhox for helping make this possible with their awesome plugins. Thank you!

everlaster.AudioScrubber.1 By: everlaster License: CC BY-SA Link: https://patreon.com/everlaster
everlaster.SoundFromAssetBundle.1 By: everlaster License: CC BY-SA
hazmhox.vamstory.28 By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA
VamEssentials.SoundFX_Library_1.latest By: VamEssentials License: CC BY Link: www.patreon.com/VamEssentials
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