Wanted to add some extra dialogue and fill in some gaps. There's some additional dialogue for those who want to dig a little bit deeper, lots of improvements. Over 7,000 downloads, nice! Leave me a comment or a rating if you like my stuff. Thanks!
Fixed tavern image bug.
Added 3 groups of monsters to the Act 1 Temple.
Resynched Staff Animations for Act1 Temple.
Fixed handflame bug.
Fixed expression bug on Ally and Henry at Reset.
Fixed expression bug in Act2 Tavern.
Fixed Act 2 TavernAwake2 Anim4 so she climbs in his lap properly.
TavernAwake2 Anim5 small improvements.
Sluggo now no longer is a pervert if you skip to the Sex.
Small sluggo fight animation added. (it's rough but will be improved.)
The goblin cook.... is a thing. my apologies to your ears

New Hidden Dialogues in Act 2.
Expanded Other Subjects a bit, room for more. (LMK if you have a question I might insert it if it fits)
5 New Voiced Dialogues. 1 Song hehe
1 New Kink Anim. (not very detailed, more later)