Demo Scene in separate Upload to keep dependency small.
Initial Version 2 VaM Hub Upload so users can build scenes from it and have the required dependency on VaM Hub.
Fixed some bugs. Don't worry, I will add new ones
Changes Version 2.01 from 2.00
- Replaced non square textures with ones that contain an Alpha Channel for transparency testing. Note that these Alpha Channel are more like a transparency masks, either 1 or 0. Custom Textures with values in between can behave different. Also ran all textures through a PNG-crusher to brute-force them to the smallest possible size.
- AVTiles: added geometry logic to scale tiles, slider to set alpha-part of vertex-color, experimental Shader choices (textures still overlap instead of being blended like I want them to)
- AVTiles: "Load Texture" does no longer destroy a previously used texture causing it to disappear for another AVTiles-Plugin instance
- AVTiles: fixed incorrect Texture rotation
- SSFX Master Plugin slightly increased "Smoothing"-default from 0.65 to 0.70
- added (incomplete and experimental) AVGrid
- bugfix: The SSFX Master Plugin did not reset the values of the 4 highest frequency bands each frame. I found this bug while adding the the option to scale tiles for AVTiles. Some tiles where bigger than they could in theory be when being scaled from the bands-values.
- moved all ColorPickers to left UI side to avoid a potential small visual VaM bug with the initial ColorSelector-Rectangle position (it still behaves weird sometimes, but this is just a tiny visual bug that does not break anything)
I do not have a list of changes from version 1 to 2. Consider this like a new Plugin that is almost completely new. To much has changes.