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quickplace subscenes

Guides quickplace subscenes

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This guide presents a method you can use when making a scene of multiple person posed animations, to be able to load any number of environments in a modular concept.

# update:
there's a video in the extended guide linked below that showcases this concept in real time use.

My NEXT and 2023 Template scene has characteristics that make it suitable for this kind of use, both in the type of animations and scene structure. If you want, give the Template scene and compatible quickplace subscenes a try:

If you're looking for a simplified use of this process to apply to existing scenes, there's one too ? :

"Move the world and not the persons"

My template scene consists of a idle standing pose and the choice of a few sex animations. There is no transition animations between them, the persons jump to the requested positions when requested and a fade process is used to make it more enjoyable. Each of these are a Timeline segment with a recorded Pose, and they all can potentially be placed anywhere in a chosen environment.

In my Template scene resource description, I present in detail how to move the persons together, and the scenes shared based on that template scene were made like that, by moving the persons around. But now I say the opposite, instead of moving the persons you can instead move the environment. In this way, you open the possibility to use any number of environments you want on one scene.

Same scene, different worlds:

All these screenshots use the 2023 Template scene, in each I loaded a different quickplace subscene environment, and a clothes preset too to suit the theme.

screenshot in Game Shop environment
screenshot in Office environment
screenshot in Game Shop environment
screenshot in Office environment
screenshot in brothel environment
Template scene in a game shop quickplace environmentTemplate scene in a office quickplace environmentTemplate scene in a brothel quickplace environment

These are not separate scenes, in fact, they don't exist as saved scenes. This was all made by loading the Template scene, a minute to load a quickplace subscene environment and a clothing preset, and done. And you can switch to a new environment and clothes again in a minute, without having to reload the scene; endless reuse and variations.

What's in a quickplace subscene

A subscene of this kind includes:
  • a environment
  • some lights
  • Timeline plugin
  • whatever else you want
In the subscene's Timeline you'll find the same segment names as the persons' Timeline segments, and in each segment is a target for the environment atom present in the subscene. In this manner, you can position the environment in the way you need it to be as the persons are positioned in that same segment. Because Timeline syncs same-named segments across the scene, when you tell the persons to be in Segment A, the environment will also change to Segment A.

Sometimes writing about something makes it much more complicated than it is; or it could be that I suck at it. ?

Real examples:
If you follow the link I posted on top for my quickplace subscenes, you'll find a selection of VARs with quickplace subscenes. Open one of these subscenes, see the atoms and the Timeline animations, hopefully it will make sense how it works if you're used to Timeline already.

Compatibility in scenes

The link on top for my shared quickplace subscenes is only suited for my 2023 Template scene. It's not just how the Timeline plugin of the subscene is used, with the segment naming and set keyframes, but also how the animations are made and the scene's structure.

Then can this approach be adapted to other scenes?

Yes! Well... depends. There are several factors that can make a scene much more suitable than others for this approach to multiple environments.
  1. Independent animations (segments)
    • same named animations and segments synchronise
  2. None or limited environment based requirements
    • if have a person walk somewhere for example you'll be limited in the choice of environments you can use
  3. Include collisions in the base scene and not rely on the collisions with the environment
    • this garantes the persons are properly supported regardless of the environment used
  4. Does it make sense or provide a benefit?
    • sex animations are usually more environment neutral than a story based scene
Other factors can come into play as scenes can be made in wildly different ways.

Tips and issues when making a quickplace subscene
  • Disable all collisions in the environment!!! Make sure your base scene has all the collision it needs;
  • Have the subscene atom at position 0, 0, 0 to make your life easier;
  • Lighting options need to be planned for and tested as you move around the environment;
  • Sometimes the environment doesn't work well for some animations and you need to put some body parts through a floor/wall ?;
  • You need to be on the first segment when loading a new subscene to match the position;
  • Include things that improve the environment experience, like sounds, other atoms, etc;
  • Make a VAR from it and create a collection you can easily load.

Credits for the screenshots and concept needs

Cloudcover, Jackaroo, maru01, Optimist, SupaRioAmateur, TGC, VRDollz, vvveeevvv, YameteOuji
Environments: Chase81, Nial, VamTastic
Hair: Roac
Plugins: AcidBubbles
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