edit: Intended License Type: CC BY-SA
Limbs include: 4 in the legs (Toes, Feet, Knees, Thighs) and 4 in the arms (Hands, Elbow, Arm, Shoulder)
v3 includes only the state of the Joint Drive values.
v4 includes the joint's Rotation values.
v5 fixes license type - Clear Reiteration of intent for license type : "CC BY-SA" for all versions
Seeing as how other plugins still wiped my physics values out, I feel there is still no overlap with other plugins, having a version include rotation along with the joint drive, for limbs only.
Tip: If anyone was interested in using SimpleStateMachine, only to test physics values during state transitions, this is a more streamlined place to start getting familiar with those. While hip, abdomen, neck, head, etc., are not physically swapped, you can get a good sense of how those values will work during transitions as well, once acquainted with the limbs.