-All the Orgasm Morphs have been updated to be compatible with Expression Randomizers that support bone morphs.
This means you can now use all of them in Silver Expression Tool:
Silver Expression Tool cycles through 2 independent series of expressions in random order. Presets can be saved to quickly call up your favorite bank of expressions. Animating two different expressions on different timescales minimizes the...
After you download VamEssentials.Orgasm_Morphs.2.var that works with Silver Expression Tool, you'll want to add it to a Person and then open the settings. You can then search for "vamessentials" or "orgasm 01" for example in the boxes and it will show up in the drop down lists. Click on each one and it moves it to the top. You then want to be sure to check the box for Active in the top left to turn it on.
Note: Expression Randomizer by Extraltodeus v1.8.0 does not allow for Morphs with Bone Morphs to be loaded in as of the current version. You may be able to load a few in there but not all of them.
-The morphs have been tested on a number of Female/Male/Futa models and adjusted slightly on their range to be more compatible with more model types and reduce clipping issues.