I added some of my KitBash Elysian stuff in a separate asset bundle and a floating City I found elsware...
I'm done with the structure part of this now. I'll still keep the original versions on my patreon for all who would like them as they're still usable.
Note on the "add me fix updated" asset bundle. It only added a set of stairs leading to that back. not necessary to switch.
I find that limiting what you can see outside of a space makes it more believable.
at a later date I'll start to add plants to this
note on adding planters.. I made this a preset.. all you have to do to add more to save time is add how many CuA's you might like. click on the preset tab, planter 1 should pop up. click that and then all you have to do is scroll to add the one you like. there's 10 all together.
same idea for all my other assets in separate packs. The spells and trees are all presets.