MMDEditorPack 5.0.0 update:
BepInEx framework update
All plugins in MMDEditorPack5.x are adapted to BepInEx version that might be potentially more compatible with other plugins which are based on BepInEx.
ffmpeg encoder update
RenderToMovie 5.0.0 integrates the latest ffmpeg encoder and solves compatibility issues with new CPUs.
Encoding options
You can add encoding options as part of ffmpeg command line into the Custom/Scripts/MMDPlayer/encoder/default.txt file. For example, you may add encoding options to use the NVADIA CUDA hardware acceleration. There are a few sample configuration files for your reference in the Custom/Scripts/MMDPlayer/encoder folder:
You can copy the content in these files and put it in the default.txt file to apply the encoding options depending on your hardware.
More details can be found here:
HWAccelIntro – FFmpeg
Using FFmpeg with NVIDIA GPU Hardware Acceleration - NVIDIA Docs
Offline encoding
If your encoding process aborts for whatever reason, a log.txt file is generated in the Custom/Scripts/MMDPlayer/encoder folder, with which you can continue to run the encoding offline. You just need to copy the content in this log.txt file and put it into Windows Command line, the encoding will run without VaM.
Fixed the issue that RenderToMovie captures always from the beginning of MMD dance and was not able to capture only part of the dance from the middle.
Fixed the issue that a few command pop-ups appear at the game beginning.
Fixed compatibility issues with Reshade.