MMD Stage - The O - Hovering Dance

Other MMD Stage - The O - Hovering Dance

Update - Ver. 1.7

- Screen More : Now you can have 2 screen modes for huge screens for back view of the dancer
- And minor updates
- "R(reset)" key will bring back UI Buttons
- "H(Heel)" key will be activated automatically when press "P(Play)" key
- "Fixed Cam" now has "Low Angle" and "Portrait" options
- "Portrait" will turn your cam(view) -90 degree(head in left)
Ver. 1.6 Updates

- Addition of Sample Stage [ OCEAN ]
- Since the basic stage [ UNIVERSE ] has dark background, [ OCEAN ] is for someone prefers bright background​
- Sample Dancer changing is now by sequence, but not random anymore. [ MY - DY - HJ - NY - MY ... ]
- The sample dancer morphs are sourced from "LOOK BUILDING STAGE" by my other project.​
Ver. 1.5 Updates

- New Option : Stage On / Off Button (In case you want to load your own stage and rather not to use "The O")
- Minor : Sample Dancer
- Additional ACFOS Morphs, NY, DY, MY and HJ. Button will bring one of them in random.
- Same MonsterShinkai Hair and Skin Texture + Simple cloths
- Fix : Not bringing skin by one click. Now one click for one look
- Minor : FIXED CAM(Formerly CAM RIDE) is following Character smoothly without shaking
- Minor : NIPPLE HIDE(more slide range to hide in case the nipple are still there)
Ver. 1.4 Updates

- New Option : Hide Nipple Slide (In case your dancer and cloths make nipples break out from cloth, moving slide left side)
- New Option : Sample Dancer - acfos-hj morphs with MonsterShinkai Hair and Skin Texture + Simple cloths
- Minor : CAM RIDE no shaking (Cam is more fixed than before and not following character in X Axis anymore)
- Minor : Back O ring is fixed in X Axis
- Minor : Dust Rotation is fixed in X Axis
Ver. 1.3 Updates

- New Option : HOVER BOARD FIX - No fluctuation
- New Option : CAM RIDE for Fixed View (Only Applicable without MMD Camera)
- New Option : Short Cut Keyboard Toggle (Activation is default)
- Minor : "UI FIX" option fixed - it was reverse toggled
- Minor : Dust Rotation speed is faster than before
- Minor : The scene title and the var name changed to "MMD Stage - The O - Hovering Dance"
Ver. 1.2 Updates
- A New Menu Button "UI FIX" for VR
- While VR, move your head to set the position of the menu, then click "UI FIX" toggle to let menus stay and no longer following your head
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