Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Assets Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Mirror Mirror Download quickly..
I hope your magic works. Thank you for the review. 💖
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Awesome! I am glad that the processing is not too heavy even with a larger mirror. My PC has fairly low specs, so I always gave up on mirror representation.
It looks like it could be used for car rearview mirrors and room mirrors.
Thank you. I originally tried 2160 pixel resolution, but I brought it down to 1080p, hoping that this resolution is not too hard on framerates. Making the mirror much larger or smaller could effect the perspective ratio. I could make a small car mirror version as well, so that there is a good perspective ratio.
Upvote 1
This works great. I always wanted mirrors in different shapes. Thank you
Thank you for the review. Please let me know if there is interest in different size variants and shapes.
Upvote 1
This is very cool.
It can be incorporated into so many things.
It can be invaluable for MoCapers to use in a POV scene.
Thank you for the inspiration.
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