The second guide is for people who are familiar with substance painter and don't know much about the workflow for creating lingerie.
this video includes a paid lace pack, but you can easily find free lace textures to use on artstation~
In a future guide, I will explain how to use substance painter to make better textures for a basic shirt.
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Here is my workflow for my upcoming lingerie set

this video includes a paid lace pack, but you can easily find free lace textures to use on artstation~
In a future guide, I will explain how to use substance painter to make better textures for a basic shirt.
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Here is my workflow for my upcoming lingerie set

ps. I know these guides aren't the best they can be, but give me time and I'll make them better for the community to enjoy and learn from.
I have many more guides in mind that will be allot better than the ones I have right now that the community can learn from and start creating content from.