Jibril Tweak V 1.1
- New Butt and Breast Physik Presets
- Fixed sad Butt and Hip (butt was too square and hips deformed when bending)
- New glowing Halo (original is still available in same CUA-Package)
- New Wings (Single to rotate and tweak position. Use the VAMifyer Plugin to fix Textures)
- New Iris Texture
- Eye uses tweaked Eye-Detail of
- Now everything i make i going into the same NiceJob Folder´s for all the Stuff i make (To keep things clean in the Future)
At some point in the Future:
- add more eye Textures
- add better Clothing Textures
- comission artist to make grabbable Wings in VAM 2.0
- make Custome Iris-Texture and Facial Rig for the cross pupils (Not supportet in VAM 1.0)