Jayda is a 30 y/o instaVAM model with a love for food. She used to be muscular and fit but was unsatisfied by her follower count, so she started to put on weight and her numbers started growing month by month. Jayda now is a popular food influencer and gets all the deals she wants in exchange for positive reviews of the restaurants she patronizes. Her instaVAM page is a frondend to her OnlyVAMs where she posts all her lewd stuff and also offers escort services.... for the highest bidder.
Additional hair option for Jayda and preset for Amelia -
Plus new girl Talia, the 37 y/o bartender that works at Jayda's favorite joint!
50 y/o Jayda added! down and dirty with granny
Some additional presets for Jayda -
Introducing Amelia , Jayda's 31 y/o friend and director/photographer - and sometimes collaborator - of her lewd scenes for OnlyVAMs (thanks to @Ghostwalden for the great port of the dojo scene) -
10k Follower body (based on an edited Satu by @SCAMP !)
3M Follower body
Additional hair option for Jayda and preset for Amelia -
Plus new girl Talia, the 37 y/o bartender that works at Jayda's favorite joint!
50 y/o Jayda added! down and dirty with granny
Some additional presets for Jayda -
Introducing Amelia , Jayda's 31 y/o friend and director/photographer - and sometimes collaborator - of her lewd scenes for OnlyVAMs (thanks to @Ghostwalden for the great port of the dojo scene) -
10k Follower body (based on an edited Satu by @SCAMP !)
3M Follower body