Do you have trouble to possess your person correctly to interact with it in scenes where you want to move free and put your VR and realworld gens somewhere
You can try my guide in this demo scene. The guide includes a possessing procedure for a three point setup (VR-Headset + 2 controllers or additional tracker) in 7 quick steps. The prepared pose of the person is included as a file so you can load this to your scene on the person you would like to possess. (The Person to possess in your scene should be named "Person". Or rename the person in the pose first.
This procedure works well with HTC Vive - like Headsets. But as I have experience with other headset with inside-out tracking too I tried to implement a corresponding procedure for this kind of VR headsets too. But I can't guarantee that this will wortk witrh inside out tracking without problems.
There is also a male appearence preset which is cleaned up for straightforward possessing.
If you don't want to use this I reccomend AcidBubbles POV-Plugin.
If you are looking for a possession method to interact with yourself. You can try AcidBubbles Snug Plugin:
Or his preview embodie plugin:
I plan to update this guide for possession with more points e.g. 3 Trackes and for individual mocap situations. They all need their own well prepared poses.
You can try my guide in this demo scene. The guide includes a possessing procedure for a three point setup (VR-Headset + 2 controllers or additional tracker) in 7 quick steps. The prepared pose of the person is included as a file so you can load this to your scene on the person you would like to possess. (The Person to possess in your scene should be named "Person". Or rename the person in the pose first.
This procedure works well with HTC Vive - like Headsets. But as I have experience with other headset with inside-out tracking too I tried to implement a corresponding procedure for this kind of VR headsets too. But I can't guarantee that this will wortk witrh inside out tracking without problems.
There is also a male appearence preset which is cleaned up for straightforward possessing.
If you don't want to use this I reccomend AcidBubbles POV-Plugin.
If you are looking for a possession method to interact with yourself. You can try AcidBubbles Snug Plugin:
Or his preview embodie plugin:
I plan to update this guide for possession with more points e.g. 3 Trackes and for individual mocap situations. They all need their own well prepared poses.