Harpina (Look + Clothing)

This is Harpina – The Green Harpy Monster Girl.  

Green Harpies are intrinsic by nature. They seek shiny glowy things, preferably gold. They can become very docile when presented with gold. This is especially true when they are out and about flying in the mountains, as they use these shiny glowy (Gold) to decorate their nests, for when they are ready to attract a suitable male human for mating season.

Unlike most Monster Girls out there, their lust is usually in control. However, when mating season comes around, it’s suddenly a different story. In this period, they change into typical monsters. Assaulting human men, they try to milk semen and conceive an offspring. Their focus becomes all about having sex with men and it’s the driving force behind their behavior. Of course, once mating is concluded, the assaulted man is free to take all the gold as tribute.

Some say, this is an excellent way to get rich, do you agree?


-Harpina - Link in Discord
-Clothing By Hunting-Succcubus - EyeBall Shadow & EyeBall Refleciton
-Hair By Miki - Kate Tail 


-Inside you'll find Harpina's Look (Scene + Clothing)
-Troubleshooting - You need 1.9 Beta Opt In to access the AddonPackage.
-Troubleshooting - If your look does not look like mine in the screenshot, it is because your graphic settings is set on low. Image

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