Hair Edit Handle

Plugins Hair Edit Handle


Update 1.3 :
1. Add tool reset function.
2. Simplify operation.
Please read the update instructions for details.

When in desktop mode. When we edit our hair. The hair tool does not operate on axes. It's quite annoying.

So this Plugin get it!

There are also some additional options:
1. The object coordinate axis switches with the world coordinate axis.
2. Position and rotation locking for a single axis. This can greatly reduce misoperation.

How to use :

Add to Person Atom. Activate hair editing.

Keyboard shortcuts :
G : Active Toggle(You need to turn it off to select other atoms normally).
J : Next Hair Tool.
H : Show hide axis.
K : Reset Rotation.
Shortcut keys can be bound through the KeyBinding plug-in.

Creadit :
- - Some of the UI code references MacGrubber's MacGrubber_Utils.cs
Disclaimer: The purpose of the plug-in is only to expand the game function. Please do not use this plug-in for illegal purposes, and the consequences arising therefrom will be borne by the user himself.
Total Size
0.01 MB
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Become free and remove all locks.

    Become free and remove all locks.
  2. Add tool reset function. Simplify the operation.

    1. Add reset function. Reset the position and rotation of the tool. 2. Simplify the operation...

Latest reviews

Wow, I am not making this up. Just yesterday, I was thinking about asking if someone could make a plugin to add the XYZ arrow and rotation axes to the hair capsules. This will make hair creation so much easier. Thank you so so much! ❤
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I think biggest problem in desktop mode is hard to find the accurate relative positions of the hair tool and the head, hope you can develop some position reference tool to add to this plugin!
Thank you for your suggestion. I will join the plan.
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