Fantasy crowns and scepters with real fire
Be a king, an queen, or an dark queen with my new assets !
Impose your respect with the beautiful golden crown and scepter with real fire that match real physics !
Or ... Impose your dark side, with the dark version of the crown and scepter
The package include :
- An golden crown with fire
- An golden crown without fire
- An dark crown with fire
- An dark crown without fire
- A golden scepter with fire
- A golden scepter without fire
- A dark scepter with fire
- A dark scepter without fire
- + A Independant fire asset
- Collision disabled on the crowns
- Collision enabled on the scepters
Fire is colourable with the ColorScale plugin (see image):

ColorScale - Plugins + Scripts -
Attach the plugin (ColorScaleC inside the var package) to a CustomUnityAsset atom to be able to change color/scale on individual components. Coloring is optional in this plugin and disabled by default but can be enabled. For a more feature rich...

Feel free to ask for another fantasy asset, will be a pleasure to create it !
Contact me in DM or using the discord link .
Don't forget to check my others assets