Glass Bowl for GangBang
********Known Issue********
When using Tiseb's epic color correction asset (Asset Colortone>collorcorrect.assetundle>TonemapOnly.unity), the glass shader is not recognized and is not drawn.
Also, annoyingly, UITexts and UIButtons can be forced to be transparent.
But don't worry. It's just a matter of ORDER.
First disable the existing color correction assets.
Then put the glass bowl on the stage and it will be displayed properly
Now, after that reload the color correction assets again
Everything is OK now
When switching the dirt state from 1 > 2 > 3, the same problem will be placed again, but it can not be helped,sorry
********Known Issue********
When using Tiseb's epic color correction asset (Asset Colortone>collorcorrect.assetundle>TonemapOnly.unity), the glass shader is not recognized and is not drawn.
Also, annoyingly, UITexts and UIButtons can be forced to be transparent.
But don't worry. It's just a matter of ORDER.
First disable the existing color correction assets.
Then put the glass bowl on the stage and it will be displayed properly
Now, after that reload the color correction assets again
Everything is OK now
When switching the dirt state from 1 > 2 > 3, the same problem will be placed again, but it can not be helped,sorry