Stains everything from characters to clothing
These textures will help to fill your clothes or characters with dirt.
You must extract the Var in the Vam root folder. From the clothing select _Decaltext from the path \Custom\Textures\Dirt , there are 8 different textures to select .
In case you repackage the textures, please add a link to this resource, so users can know where they can find the textures.
The effect will depend on the UV of the clothes or objects, you can adjust the offset.
Follow me on my patreon for exclusive content and to see my WIP (Paywall free)
If you like my work you can support me at Ko-fi ,you can also buy my clothes in the OBJ format (Genesis Female 2) or order a commission for a Look or clothes.
These textures will help to fill your clothes or characters with dirt.
You must extract the Var in the Vam root folder. From the clothing select _Decaltext from the path \Custom\Textures\Dirt , there are 8 different textures to select .
In case you repackage the textures, please add a link to this resource, so users can know where they can find the textures.
The effect will depend on the UV of the clothes or objects, you can adjust the offset.
Follow me on my patreon for exclusive content and to see my WIP (Paywall free)

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