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CP Sex scene

Scenes CP Sex scene 2021-06-04

-Scene 6 added.
-Added a button to play the animation in case it stops.
-A button for turning off sim hair and changing shader to fast (warning this particular hair looks pretty funny with sim off). The hair button will only work for default hair in the scene. If you really need better performing hair best option is to go with one of your choice and lock the hair preset when you first load up the scene.

Fixed the controller error and set improved pov to turn off face.

>> Next button on scene 5 now returns you to scene 1.
B button turns off the blinds/slats (useful if you want more light).
B button turns on the blinds/slats if you want them back
L button toggles extra lights as well as the ones that zoom by outside (might help with performance).

I also added a rare non anal loop to scene 5 for science.

I added a second scene to this and made some updates to the first.
>> button for next scene
<< button for previous scene
cpsex s2.jpg
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