This scene works exceptionally well with VR, thanks to the slow and smooth camera movement.
The character animation is hand-crated so expertly, it is en par with many mocaps. The creator must have either sunk endless hours into this, or is quite talented - maybe both.
I wish, there were buttons to switch between positions. That would be the cherry on top of this delicious treat. Seriously, this is the only thing that could make this any better. Everything else is so close to being perfect.
Unfortunately, my scenes are very much "on rails" compared to a lot of the other stuff out there. I'm always aiming for a cinematic experience, as opposed to more interactive ones. I know that's not always everyone's cup of tea, but it's where I feel most comfortable animating. I WILL say that I've been really eyeing VAMstory, and I've been kicking around ideas on how I might have my cake and eat it too, doing something cinematic AND something interactive. We'll see what shakes out!