Circle dress-two variety

Clothing Circle dress-two variety

Really great work. Your clothing contributions continue to be excellent.
Thanks for encouraging words. Just playing with Marvelous designer, trying to learn something new from you tube tutorials and in this process lot of dress getting created for VAM. Not expert, just learning now, hope i will start making better and contribute more to community.
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I am not actually or simply just giving some encouraging comment, I really do feel like the greatness of your clothing and the varieties are satisfying.

Not only the design is good, the quality is still maintained and it's good for us to play it, remove it, pulling it in the way however we want, and it's even free, thanks!
Thanks, i enjoy playing with marvelous designer and learning lot of new things by following tutorials so in this process lot of new type of dress getting created, hope everyone in community enjoy the variety :)
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