It's a game
That's right, it's a small and silly mini-game where you get a score and try to beat your record.
But words don't do it justice, perhaps some screenshots can give you a better idea on what to expect:
First you have some fun... | |
Then a little more fun while you enjoy the scenery ? | |
Too much pressure!!! ? | |
Oh, shit! ? | |
I think I can do better ? | |
v2: Rings game | |
screenshots made with MacGruber's Supershot; female model is Aida (my resource) |
Final remarks
As usual on my part, the scene starts with a built-in model. Use your own appearance presets and play around with morphs or scale to test how they fare in flight.
No more talking, just go play and have fun. Press start/reset if that isn't obvious in the scene
Credits and thank yous:
AcidBubbles - Timeline, Glance
AshAuryn - expressions in screenshots
everlaster - FloatParamRandomizerEE
hazmhox - Fluids101, VAMMoan
JayJayWon - ActionGrouper, VUML
MacGruber - Life, Logicbricks
ToumeiHitsuji - DiviningRod
VamTastic - Beach environment
and thank you to @everlaster , @VAMFantasy and @JayJayWon for answering my questions and making this silly game possible