Browse internet with Lady Victoria (VAC scene)

Scenes Browse internet with Lady Victoria (VAC scene)

Hi all,

This is not my creation, but am simply resharing a pre-VAR scene from 4 years ago that was originally on the vamscenes subreddit:
The MEGA link to download the original VAC has been removed from reddit. I know there are ways to get it, but to save on that fuss, I'm providing a copy I've had since day 1. I'm helping reshare because I believe I should not be the only one to enjoy Lady Victoria.

The original creator is "Wxroopl" who has long since gone off the radar (last reddit activity was 2 years ago). I have already cleared this with the mods. I am not taking or claiming any credit for the existence of this scene, and because it was originally supplied for free, she will always be free.

This is my first time uploading content, so please let me know of any issues. There are no dependencies. I am supplying the original VAC content as it was (Yes, the VAC, containing folder, and scene name were all just "with Lady Victoria", as it was back then).

I will try and reupload as a VAR once I figure out how to create one, but for the time being as a VAC, you'll need to unpack it in your Saves\Scene folder like ZIP file.
  • with Lady Victoria.jpg
    with Lady Victoria.jpg
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