Black Angel and beach props
Content with the look:
-4 palms
-chair and table
-ashtray and cigar
-Aperol bottle and cocktail glass
-beach decor
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Assets credits:
Content with the look:
-4 palms
-chair and table
-ashtray and cigar
-Aperol bottle and cocktail glass
-beach decor
Stay ahead of the trends with fresh, unique styles released every week. Want access to exclusive content and updates?
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Assets credits:

Let's go to the beach! - 6 beach themed props - Download Free 3D model by Jef Belmans (@belmansjef)
Put on your flip flops, grab a cold drink and enjoy the sun! My first assignment for 3D1 @ Howest, DAE Class group 1GD21 - Let's go to the beach! - 6 beach themed props - Download Free 3D model by Jef Belmans (@belmansjef)

Cigar and Ashtray - Download Free 3D model by Miguel Adão (@theauditor)
A cigar and an ashtray to use for either an asset, to practice your own special FX (like smoke or fire), or in case you want just the cigar or just the ashtray, everything is divided. Made with Maya and texturized with Substance Painter. - Cigar and Ashtray - Download Free 3D model by Miguel...