No stars so far? The idea is terrific. I had the same idea some time ago but by then it was not possible to things like this. Merge load and waiting forever for the next animation to start was the best you could do.
A few things make it now possible to switch easy between animations such as is shown here:
- you can now easily import any animation in timeline with the segment import. To do things like Atani shows us here you need all your animation in one timeline ( i think) so you can call them from a trigger.
- For all this it's essential to begin each animation with a saved pose so each time we switch to a new animation the engine knows where the new pose needs to start.
- I am not sure but i think there's an error in this. The first pose i choose goes great. But then if i switch from missionary to cowgirl i get all sort of trouble, 50% my characters explode.
Maybe i miss something else but i think that in each animation where the pose is saved you also need to check "apply pose on transition" If i do that here the whole thing works great.
There is a lot to learn here, use of logibricks (delay), use of fade etc... haven't seen better examples yet.