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Basis Scene for vibrations and supplementary butt vibration for males

Scenes Basis Scene for vibrations and supplementary butt vibration for males

Newer & better version of vibration morphs, now with the ability to interrupt playing morphs on impact, if you load a new appearance for the male model you'll have to enable female morphs on him.

I have this set up to damp out the female hips on impact as well as activate some sound + lock out the sound and vibration while playing with the lock out animation pattern.

now, just to show, vibration... it adds a lot to impacts

I put in the thighs, butt, stomach, for both models, if it has anything to do with the leg or glutes, it has both an up/down animation and a left to right animation, just to give it more realism

To use:
Pose with timeline or however you do it, 2nd timeline is standalone for just the vibration animations, if you aren't using timeline, just uncheck, but don't remove the first one

Adjust the speed of the vibration morphs with the slider for either male or female

All the animations + sound are triggered by the collision trigger just above the male's hip, you can change this.. probably
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