Basic gamepad support

Plugins Basic gamepad support

Thank you.
You are welcome :)
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Very nice. Now, if you add some gui to allow users to map custom axis to the sticks, you'd make a lot of us desktop-only perverts very happy. For example to map two 4-way thumbsticks for left/right hand control.

I see Patreon material with this plugin ;)
That's more or less the plan, an extended version (LT) to control 2 objects at the same time. For each stick you can choose in which of the 3 planes will move or rotate. Thank you guys.
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As a total noob, this is a MUST have. The default controls are quite intuitive and makes creating scenes much easier. Thanks for this!
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Thank you for this!!
Hope you plans for an advanced version arent' put aside...having possibility to rebind keys and stuff would be mindblowing!!

Is me or i don't see any button mapped to normal "click"or something to interact with sliders/buttons?
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