Jade, 18yo
and Gigi, 18yo,
have studied together for the better part of the year and the tension was always there. One evening, Gigi, more outgoing and open, finally makes her move and is pleasantly suprised to see her desires reciprocated by her gorgeous but shy study partner.
Includes 2 scenes and appearance preset for both girls.

Video preview (refresh if it doesn't show):
I worked with a physics rate of 45Hz for this scene, maybe try that (Main UI -> User Preferences -> Performance -> Physics rate) if you get any funky vibrations , it happened to me while testing other rates!
and Gigi, 18yo,
have studied together for the better part of the year and the tension was always there. One evening, Gigi, more outgoing and open, finally makes her move and is pleasantly suprised to see her desires reciprocated by her gorgeous but shy study partner.
Includes 2 scenes and appearance preset for both girls.

Video preview (refresh if it doesn't show):
I worked with a physics rate of 45Hz for this scene, maybe try that (Main UI -> User Preferences -> Performance -> Physics rate) if you get any funky vibrations , it happened to me while testing other rates!