After being a long time user and lurker here I thought it was finally time to contribute in some way to the community. This is my customization scene that I have been using and upgrading since I startet using VAM. It's currently on its 10th iteration. In this scene there are:
- 10 looped and 12 connecting Timeline animations for viewing your character and giving them some life
- Idle animation front and back when creating your character
- Titty Bounce animation to test boob physics and Twerk animation to test butt physics.
- Catwalk pose and walking animation forward/back and a dancepole walkaround for viewing the character
- Toggleable controll panel with: height measurement, reference image (needs to be set by user), eye colour presets (brown/blue/green), wind generator, plugin preset button (needs to be set by user).
Along with the customization scene I am releasing Aeri, loosely based on fanart of Aerith (green eyes!)
Please note:
1. Due to creating scenes in VR, the lighting used is simply one strong directinal lighting following the camera. This allows me to have some FPS headroom in VR and get the same results in creation and scenes. Feel free to change as you like.
2. Animations are created with Aeri_Body in mind. Try adjusting height/scale or legs length to get it working with your character.
3. All screenshot poses are taken during animations in this scene
4. Let me know if anything doesn't work or if I have done something wrong

Big thanks to this whole community and its creators!
- Macgruber "SkyMagicDemo", "Life", "PostMagic" and "Essentials"
- AcidBubbles "Timeline"
- Hunting Succubus "Enhanced Eyes"
- Jackaroo "Eyes_Lips_Nails!"
- Spacedog "Rotate_to_camera"
- Switch "HeightMeasureThingy"
- WgSoup "Wind Control+"
- SupaRioAmateur "Nails_as_cloth"
- Miki "Wild_Icy_Bedhead_Hairs"
- everlaster "RenVR_Originals_Pack2" and "_Pack3"
- kemenate "Decals"
- Damarmau for the original podium. I can't find that scene anymore, let me know if it was someone else.
Morph-packs used for Aeri face, body and genitals:
- Spacedog "Import_Reloaded_Lite"
- Agataki "Peeky_appearance_presets"
- ICannotDie "Riley_Robyn"
- kemenate "Morphs"
- Denngar "VelyndraLook"
- BlenderB_Rodriguez "Kokoro"
- Unknown "Eyes_Height_With_Eyebrows"
Hair used in screenshots:
- Miki "Wild_Icy_Bedhead_Hairs"
- Miki "Hana"
- Watto preset: NoStage3 "Long_Side_5" and Oronan "F13"
Clothing used in screenshots:
- Hunting Succubus "Enhanced Eyes"
- SupaRioAmateur "Nails_as_cloth", "Anaconda_Outfit", "Scarlet_FF7R", "HSwimsuit", "7th_Heaven_Fighter", "DoA_Bikini", "V_Airtight_Secret_Agent_Set"
- Jackaroo "Eyes_Lips_Nails!"
- VL_13 "Leggings_L" and "Corset_Gothic"
- CuteSvetlana "NooneOdalisqueDress", "SquarePeg3dMileenaMK"
- NoOC "SexySet07"
- TGC "Clothing_Richabri_LacewearChoker"
- YameteOuji "Neck_ChokerLaceA"
- JoyBoy "Bunny_Suit"
- Jakuubz "Calf Height Boots"
- Jakuubz "Skinny Jeans"
- rukk "QuietRelease"
- 10 looped and 12 connecting Timeline animations for viewing your character and giving them some life
- Idle animation front and back when creating your character
- Titty Bounce animation to test boob physics and Twerk animation to test butt physics.
- Catwalk pose and walking animation forward/back and a dancepole walkaround for viewing the character
- Toggleable controll panel with: height measurement, reference image (needs to be set by user), eye colour presets (brown/blue/green), wind generator, plugin preset button (needs to be set by user).
Along with the customization scene I am releasing Aeri, loosely based on fanart of Aerith (green eyes!)
Please note:
1. Due to creating scenes in VR, the lighting used is simply one strong directinal lighting following the camera. This allows me to have some FPS headroom in VR and get the same results in creation and scenes. Feel free to change as you like.
2. Animations are created with Aeri_Body in mind. Try adjusting height/scale or legs length to get it working with your character.
3. All screenshot poses are taken during animations in this scene
4. Let me know if anything doesn't work or if I have done something wrong

Big thanks to this whole community and its creators!
- Macgruber "SkyMagicDemo", "Life", "PostMagic" and "Essentials"
- AcidBubbles "Timeline"
- Hunting Succubus "Enhanced Eyes"
- Jackaroo "Eyes_Lips_Nails!"
- Spacedog "Rotate_to_camera"
- Switch "HeightMeasureThingy"
- WgSoup "Wind Control+"
- SupaRioAmateur "Nails_as_cloth"
- Miki "Wild_Icy_Bedhead_Hairs"
- everlaster "RenVR_Originals_Pack2" and "_Pack3"
- kemenate "Decals"
- Damarmau for the original podium. I can't find that scene anymore, let me know if it was someone else.
Morph-packs used for Aeri face, body and genitals:
- Spacedog "Import_Reloaded_Lite"
- Agataki "Peeky_appearance_presets"
- ICannotDie "Riley_Robyn"
- kemenate "Morphs"
- Denngar "VelyndraLook"
- BlenderB_Rodriguez "Kokoro"
- Unknown "Eyes_Height_With_Eyebrows"
Hair used in screenshots:
- Miki "Wild_Icy_Bedhead_Hairs"
- Miki "Hana"
- Watto preset: NoStage3 "Long_Side_5" and Oronan "F13"
Clothing used in screenshots:
- Hunting Succubus "Enhanced Eyes"
- SupaRioAmateur "Nails_as_cloth", "Anaconda_Outfit", "Scarlet_FF7R", "HSwimsuit", "7th_Heaven_Fighter", "DoA_Bikini", "V_Airtight_Secret_Agent_Set"
- Jackaroo "Eyes_Lips_Nails!"
- VL_13 "Leggings_L" and "Corset_Gothic"
- CuteSvetlana "NooneOdalisqueDress", "SquarePeg3dMileenaMK"
- NoOC "SexySet07"
- TGC "Clothing_Richabri_LacewearChoker"
- YameteOuji "Neck_ChokerLaceA"
- JoyBoy "Bunny_Suit"
- Jakuubz "Calf Height Boots"
- Jakuubz "Skinny Jeans"
- rukk "QuietRelease"