By default, the SIM is turned off.
Change to any color you like.
If your costume is badly out of order when you put it on your favorite LOOK, try checking the "Wrap To Smoothed Vertices" checkbox in the Costume Customization Menu Adjustments. It may improve the situation.
The workmanship is not so good, but I added the undressing shape.
Age of the model is 21 years old
LOOK created by hirohiro
scene : Farger
Change to any color you like.
If your costume is badly out of order when you put it on your favorite LOOK, try checking the "Wrap To Smoothed Vertices" checkbox in the Costume Customization Menu Adjustments. It may improve the situation.
The workmanship is not so good, but I added the undressing shape.
Age of the model is 21 years old
LOOK created by hirohiro
scene : Farger

Oceans Deep - Assets + Accessories -
This resource includes four types of oceans: 1) murky, 2) tropical, 3) blue and 4) deep blue. Each set includes 4 levels of wave action. The lowest wave action includes "calm" in the filename, and then the wave action increases in scale from...

Pirate Cove - Environments -
Ahoy. Saiko the SkullCracker guards the pirate cove. She looks small in size, but be wary mate. She has a short temper and a long sword. Arrrr! This package includes two night variants of a pirate cove with baked in lighting. The version...