• Hi Guest!

    This is a notice regarding recent upgrades to the Hub. Over the last month, we have added several new features to improve your experience.
    You can check out the details in our official announcement!

Plugins PoseConvert

What Does It Do?
This plugin allows for easier use of alternative joint configurations. There are some excellent rigs on the hub, such as AppetiteVisual's BioRigs that make posing and animating easier as well as look more natural. Alternate rigs can be great starting points to create new poses and animations. This plugin allows you to apply rigs such as these to the current pose of a person atom, which allows you to apply your rig of choice to any pose!

Example with AV's BioRig

How to Use
Load any pose into a Person atom.
2.) Add PoseConvert to the Person atom.
3.) Click 'Load Source Rig From Pose' button.
4.) Apply the rig from the source pose with the green button. Use or save the new pose as you like.

After converting a pose, you can remove the plugin from the Person atom.

Control State Overrides
Some poses may require an exact state on a particular control to hold the shape with Position and/or Rotation on. You can force position and rotation on for different control groups with the toggles.


Hope this is helpful!

If you have suggestions for other features or issues using the plugin let me know.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 5 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Add Support for Male Gens

    Added a checkbox when the plugin is added to a male Person atom to specify is joint settings...

Latest reviews

Remarkable! I hope you to make this one to "load preset path with" function for trigger! thx a lot
Thanks! I am indeed already working on that and the ability to blend rigs together via a timeline trigger.
Upvote 0
Well what do you know! I released a new biorig this evening, and was able to spend some time testing your plugin with all the previous rigs I've made. As far as I can see, it appears to work properly; I kicked it several times and it did not break.

This is a great asset- I've received a lot of messages asking how someone might apply my poses' node physics (biorig) settings without breaking an actual pose. Another question for people has been how to handle the parenting guides.|

You appear to have handled all of that. If you can keep it super-clean and reliable (which I think you clearly can) I'd be happy to super-endorse it. Great job and thanks. It's very nice to see the physics settings recognized as a critical part of vam. And well done on your C# work.
Upvote 1
Perfectly! Your plugin allows to bring old poses (that had a bad rig) back to life. Excellent!🙏
Upvote 0
I tried this out today. Creating a missionary sex scene and the girl kept twisting and moving left/right. I applied AV's bio rigs pose using your plugin, worked great, the model kept the original pose but the bio rigs were applied. Thanks!
Upvote 0
Does exactly what it says it does. Very handy!
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