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vibration support morphs with example and model

Morphs vibration support morphs with example and model

Some new instructions: label your model as model 1 or model 2, load the subscene for vibrations or walking, use the subscene's collision triggers.... basically you're just using the animations included in the subscene

Important, if you have a male model in the scene, timeline doesn't like you starting from a male model using female morphs or any mismatched morphs, as in the scripts suddenly lose you a dozen frames or more. I included a button that fixes the frames dropping due to the vibration animations playing, you'll either need to hit it, or have some other method of going through and hitting the first plugin installed on the button... Basically the procedure the button does is, save temp appearance, switch to a female model, then trigger both vibration animations, then switch back to your OG model. That fixes the framerate drops when using a male model, no idea why it works this way.

Also, I included a couple quick example vids in the .zip file

new prev:

just using naffurty look on model 1 btw, get it somewhere

otherwise if you've somehow gotten the old file:

If you want to build off the demo scene, just delete the main animation, parent the collision trigger to the model's hip, change the look, and go from there.

How to use:

Either use the exported animation file or manually export all animations into a single file via timeline.

There are two morph animations for the legs shaking, up/down and rotation, there are three morphs for each animation.

There is one morph animation for the butt vibrating, activated by the collision trigger.

There are two animations for the butt squish, the first one is the butt squishing, activated by the collision trigger and the second resets the butt back to normal set off by the ending of the collision trigger.

The butt also has a separate vibration morph animation, because... reasons.

How to use, advanced:

create copies of the morph animations and customize; speed, values, starting points, etc. However, its neccesssary to adhere to the formula sin(x)/x = y, aka hit something and it damps out over time, the morphs need to go back to default by the end of a morph animation

Total Size
0.51 MB
First release
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
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  1. whoops...

    forgot to update the sliders... my b
  2. fix for framerate drop

    added a fix for dropping framerates, I'm not sure what's going on but this fixes it, I'll detail...
  3. oops... fixed more stuff

    had to rebuild a few morph anims i noticed they just stopped working

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Underrated content. Great concept, could be used in a lot of places
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