(A neater edit)
4k limbs I revamped from Genesis 8. You can apply these Ebony soles to any skin type and keep your models face the same. Enjoy!(A neater edit)
Default skin
Darker skin but no soles
Added soles
For Best Results :
Step 1 - Adjust Complextion
Step 2 - Apply Limbs Decal, Torso Normals & Limbs Normals
Step 3 - Adjust Diffuse Bumpiness & Gloss to make feet more Realistic
Final Step - Save skin Preset so you don't have to do it again. Cheers!
Step 1 - Adjust Complextion
Step 2 - Apply Limbs Decal, Torso Normals & Limbs Normals
Step 3 - Adjust Diffuse Bumpiness & Gloss to make feet more Realistic
Final Step - Save skin Preset so you don't have to do it again. Cheers!