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Dark Street Asset

Assets Dark Street Asset

Hi, this environment depends on the Luise look which depends on a bunch of other vars including a Stenzelo look that there's no download link for. It'd be great if you could release a version of this that doesn't depend on the Luise look, or if you could update the Luise description with all the download links to all the dependencies. Otherwise there will be errors in the console. Thanks
Hi, this environment depends on the Luise look which depends on a bunch of other vars including a Stenzelo look that there's no download link for. It'd be great if you could release a version of this that doesn't depend on the Luise look, or if you could update the Luise description with all the download links to all the dependencies. Otherwise there will be errors in the console. Thanks
I did an Update :)
Hello @Frief , this environment-asset loads for me without textures. Do I need to do anything to get/load them? Ty!
oh that's strange.. I'll take a look.

The textures are actually always in the asset and you can't delete them at all
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